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Theraplay TMX Hitch Tricycle

The innovative product is a versatile solution that allows for the conversion of a tricycle into a trailer unit. It boasts all the standard features of a TMX Tricycle, such as its sturdy frame and easy pedal gearing, but with the added functionality of being easily converted into a trailer unit. The package includes a TMX tricycle, which features a frame folding mechanism, and an extension arm that can be used to attach the tricycle to an adult bicycle, transforming it into a trailer cycle.


The HITCH cycles have a universal mounting bracket that attaches to the seat post of the adult’s bicycle; however, it is not compatible with suspension seat posts or a rear suspension frame.

Overall length  1500 mm (59 inches) 
Overall width  810 mm (32 inches) 
To suit inside length  510 mm – 640 mm (20– 25 inches) 
Seat to handlebars  480 mm – 560 mm (19– 22 inches) 
Max user weight  70 kg 
Wheel size  20 inches x 2.125 
Seat to ground  610 mm (24 inches) 

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