Home / ILS Blog / What Is A Quad Walking Stick / Cane?

A quad walking stick, AKA quad cane, is similar to a standard walking stick but with a wide or a narrow base to improve stability. A large quad base walking stick can be heavier and it might be more difficult to manoeuvre. A smaller base quad walking stick provides less support than a large quad base walking stick but it is easier to lift and manoeuvre while walking.

Speak with a healthcare provider to decide if a narrow or wide base is best for you.


Mini Quad

Offers some stability benefits of a large quad base in a size comparable to a standard walking stick.



What Is A Quad Walking Stick / Cane? 2

The Airgo Quad Cane specialises with a 4 legged shock absorbing based, that is designed for additional security while in use. The cane is furnished with ergonomic handles and allows height adjustment from 71cm to 99cm. The Airgo Cane can be easily rotated from right to left hand use.

Small & Large Quad Base – 4 Legs

K-shaped quad base provides greater stability.


What Is A Quad Walking Stick / Cane? 3

The small base quad cane features an adjustable height to suit individual user requirements. The swan neck handle distributes weight evenly while the strong handgrip enhances user comfort.

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