Quattro Therapy Systems provide a clinical preventative measure to provide pressure relief and manage patients at risk of developing or with existing pressure Injuries. Please see below some of the product’s key features.
- The active 1-in-4 cell cycle supports 75% of the patient’s body at all times, on groups of three inflated cells, whilst the fourth cell deflates sufficiently to redistribute the pressure and encourage tissue reperfusion. Additional benefits of the 1-in-4 system may include increased patient comfort, and less awareness of the support surface movement.
- TISSUEgard™ enables the partial immersion and envelopment of the patient into the support surface, reducing the pressure on the patient’s skin and decreasing the pressure differential between inflated and deflated cells, helping to reduce associated shearing forces.
- Ortho-Differential Support provides firmer outer edges of the mattress to facilitate patient transfers and provide extra support, whilst creating a softer central area of the mattress
- The multi-stretch cover promotes tissue offloading during cell deflation and reduces shear and friction during patient movement or manual repositioning. The material is waterproof, moisture-vapour permeable and all seams are welded to protect the inside of the mattress from fluid ingress.
- Active 1-in-4 cell cycle
- Multi-stretch cover
- Ortho-differential support
- Microclimate management
- Fully launderable
- Simply designed interface
- Fast, safe and easy manual interventions
- Patient Transport Facility
- Continuous low pressure
- Max inflation
- Adjustable comfort control