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Scooot Mobility Rider

It’s hard to watch your child sit-out the fun stuff if they have mobility problems, but it’s tough being on their arms and legs all day too. Scooot gives you both a little freedom. Scooot provides an early experience of independence for lots of kids with mobility challenges. It frees them to explore their home, play with pals, chase big brothers and race little sisters without any help.


Designed by expert clinicians, designers and engineers, Scooot is a device that will help kids discover new skills as well as new pals. The potential for physical and cognitive development was a key factor in every element of the design.

Scooot is available in three versions: 2-in-1, 3-in-1 or 4-in-1. Just choose the version that suits your child and that will benefit them the most:

2-in-1 = Scoot & Crawl or
3-in-1 = Crawl, Scoot & Ride
4-in-1 = Push, Crawl, Scoot & Ride

Scooot is a practical and fun device for home and therapy environments and gives children freedom to independently explore their environment and play with friends.

Specification Details
Approx age range (yrs) 2 – 6 years
Maximum user weight (kg) 22 kg
Seat base width (cm) 23 cm
Seat base length (cm) 40 cm
Hip to end of footplate when seated (cm) 52 cm (not extended)
63 cm (fully extended)
Backrest width (cm) 26 cm
Backrest height (cm) 30 cm
Wheel arch width (cm) 23 cm
Backrest cushion laterals length (cm) 42 cm
Backrest cushion lateral length (cm) 79 – 101 cm
Push pole height (cm) 80 – 89 cm


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Our experienced phone sales team can assist you with any product enquiries and help you make a purchase directly on the phone. We are available anytime between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

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