Home / ILS Blog / How Inogen G4 can help with Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen is a gas that a human body requires to function or live. Usually, oxygen is absorbed by the lungs when you breathe air. However, those suffering from diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary known as COPD do not get sufficient oxygen due to breathing difficulties. Such patients are treated with oxygen therapy to provide the extra oxygen required.

Oxygen concentrator or Oxygen generator is a medical tool used to deliver oxygen to those who have a medical problem that results in low levels of oxygen in their blood.


An oxygen concentrator/generator cannot be bought over the counter and sold only doctor’s prescription. These are usable by electric or battery operation. It has a compressed element and should not be mixed up with a compressed oxygen or an oxygen tank. A concentrator or generator filters the air, condenses and distributes the air continuously whilst the tank has a fixed amount of oxygen to dispense. The air supply in an oxygen concentrator/generator will never run out. It only needs a power connection to operate.

How does an Oxygen Concentrator Operate?

An oxygen concentrator operation is similar to a window air conditioning unit. It absorbs air, transforms and delivers it as new purified air. This is very useful to those in need of medical oxygen due to low oxygen levels in their blood.


  • Air from the atmosphere is taken into the lungs
  • Cooling mechanism keeps the concentrator from overheating when the air is being restricted.
  • Nitrogen is removed from the air through the filter and sieve beds.
  • Delivery settings of air are adjusted with an electronic fuse.
  • Purified oxygen is delivered through a nasal cannula or mask.

Independent Living Specialists who has always stood out at as an institution that cares for the aged population have once again shown their support and assistance with the introduction of Inogen oxygen concentrator to their portfolio which will undoubtedly be an asset to their clients.


Inogen one G4 portable concentrator

The Inogen one G4 portable concentrator equipped with 4 cell battery in an unimaginable tiny package is capable of supplying oxygen 24/7.

Apparently, this product is the smallest and light weight portable oxygen concentrator produced by Inogen. Weighing 1.27 kg with a single battery, it is about 40% lighter in weight than the earlier one G3 product. It is also half the size of some of the most frequently used portable oxygen tanks.


Although it is a small unit, the Inogen one G4 concentrator is amazingly effective. Its pulse flow delivery system does not allow continuous flow but it has settings 1 to 3 equipped with Inogen’s standard intelligent delivery technology to make sure the unit detects your breathing to deliver oxygen accurately,


  • Compact and lightweight
  • Extremely silent operation.
  • Intelligent pulse oxygen delivery
  • Manufactured for 24 hour use
  • 4 cell battery usable upto to 3 hours
  • AC/DC power supply
  • Custom carrying case
  • Shoulder strap
  • Tubing/filter
  • 3 year warranty
Oxygen Concentrators
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