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Mobility Scooter Lock
3 in stock
Most mobility scooter users tend to leave their units unlocked and unsecured, when leaving it unattended or even at home. However, just as any other vehicle, the mobility scooter is also considered valuable transportation property and should be protected against theft. Taking time to securely lock your mobility scooter is important. These steps will help you reduce the risk of theft Always lock the mobility scooter when not in use If you are at home, store the scooter in a secure storage space or lock it against an anchor point Purchase an antitheft unit that can help secure the scooter – u-lock, immobilizer or a chain If your scooter has a “ lock” feature on its steering, always switch it on when not in use. Never leave valuables or bags in your mobility scooter When traveling around in your scooter, secure your scooter to a heavy immovable object such as a lamppost or a bicycle rack when you need to park. Always park in a public spot where you can secure itTalk to us on the phone
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