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Sharky Bathroom Chair


The Sharky Commode system is a multifunctional piece of equipment, designed with versatility and practicality in mind. It is an ideal solution for parents and caregivers, as it is easy and simple to use.


The Sharky features a 45-degree tilt-in-space mechanism with locking bolts, which guarantees the safe tilting of the user while showering. The height adjustment is easy to operate, and the two stainless steel gas pressure springs make it comfortable to control. The Sharky can be adapted for use over a toilet and in a bath, thanks to its bath frame adaptor and slim design of the removable seat. Additionally, its unique foldable design reduces to a very compact size, allowing for easy storage and transportation. With its innovative features, the Sharky is an efficient and convenient solution for bathing and showering needs.

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