SKU: S16395


Mattress – Forte Sovereign Plus (ILS) – Single


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The Sovereign Plus High Care Pressure Relieving Medical Mattress provides unrivalled versatility, patient care and pressure relief. Specifically made for the demands of the facility environment, the Sovereign Plus has a 235kg therapeutic support capacity providing excellent versatility for a wide range of patient needs. Effective Pressure Care is provided through an interface combination of the Airoform Memory pressure-sensitive visco-elastic foams and a profiled secondary layer allowing the foams to provide immersion and envelopment for pronounced bony prominences.


The Sovereign Plus High Care Pressure Relieving Medical Mattress’s integrated sloped heel region and softer heel pad provides additional care for patients at risk of pressure injury on the heels and ankles. The Sovereign Plus is available with the Premiflex or Premiflex Ultra covers facilitating maximum infection control and hygiene.

TypeSingle, Long Single

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