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Firefly PlayPak

The Playpak is a versatile and fun tool for children to learn and develop through play. This portable activity center includes a variety of rolls, wedges, and supports that can be combined in multiple ways, allowing children to practice different developmental postures which are essential for their growth and development.


Playpak: Fun Therapy for Little Learners
Designed with input from therapists and caregivers, the Playpak is easy to use and comes with a comprehensive guide that provides advice and instructions on how to use each component to create different sitting and lying positions, as well as recommended developmental games to play with your child.

Not only is the Playpak practical and functional, it also features a fun and playful design that makes therapy sessions enjoyable for children. It is also easy to clean and maintain, making it a great addition to any therapy or home setting

Details Length Width Depth
Folded Bag 440 mm 490 mm 150 mm
Floor Mat 1340 mm 750 mm -
Long Roll 520 mm 90 mm 70 mm
Short Roll 280 mm 90 mm 70 mm
Positioning Strap 660 mm 80 mm -
Large Horseshoe 440 mm 490 mm 150 mm
Small Horseshoe 70 mm 90 mm 200 mm

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