24 Hour Postural Care – The Role of Night-Time Positioning in Paediatrics
AM Session 9am- 12pm
Unlock the secrets to comprehensive postural management that extends beyond seating solutions! Dive into the world of neurological impairment and discover the importance of analysing positioning patterns throughout the entire day, not just during waking hours.
This workshop will shine a spotlight on the often overlooked realm of night-time positioning, showcasing its profound benefits for individuals with mobility impairment within the context of a holistic 24-hour postural management program. Join us as we unravel the consequences of asymmetrical, unsupported postures in lying, exploring their impact on both body shape and function.
Equip yourself with practical skills that can be applied immediately in your clinical practice as you are provided systematic assessment tools and intervention strategies, empowering you to make a positive impact on your clients’ health and wellbeing outcomes.
There will be opportunity to deep dive into product options during this workshop, where we will navigate through different approaches, helping you make informed decisions for the optimal benefit of your clients. Elevate your understanding and enhance your clinical toolkit with us!
On the Road Again: Transport Considerations Across the Lifespan
PM Session: 12:30pm-3:30pm
Discover the importance of personalised transport solutions for individuals with medical conditions and disabilities, addressing safety, well-being, and comfort concerns. In this informative session, we delve into the inadequacies of off-the-shelf products designed for ‘typically developing’ children through to adults and emphasise the need for specialised options that cater to the unique requirements of individuals throughout their lifespan.
In this workshop we will navigate the road to comprehensive transport considerations, unveiling key components essential for crafting a safe and tailored transport plan. Our journey spans from infancy to adulthood, highlighting specific focus areas for each age group. Once armed with an understanding of transport plans, we shift our focus to practical solutions within the realms of Car Seats, Vehicle Seat Positioning, Transfers, and Wheelchair Access.
Embark on this session to explore how personalised transport solutions can promote a lifetime of safety, comfort, and well-being for individuals with disabilities, transforming travel experiences at every stage of life.
CPD points: 3 for each session.
Lois Brown: ILS National Clinical Educator
Jamie Cockle: Medifab Clinical Educator