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Jenx Multi 1


The Jenx Multistander 1 is a highly versatile standing system designed for children with moderate to complex needs, from approximately 9 months to 6 years old. It also comes in a size 2 version, suitable for ages 4-13 years.


The Jenx Multi 1 offers 3-in-1 positioning in both neutral and abducted standing positions and provides a high level of postural support for upright, prone, or supine positions. It is highly adjustable for height and width and can support a maximum weight of 35kg, making it perfect for growing children in multi-user environments. The smooth and easy angle adjustments allow for easy transfers and unlimited scope for setting the precise standing angle required for each child.

The open design allows for visibility of the user’s positioning at all times and the capacity for outstanding thoracic and pelvic support, coupled with highly adjustable leg positioning options, make the Multistander 1 a great option for almost every child. It offers flexibility and adaptability.

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